Newton’s third law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As laws of physics go, this is one of the ones that you really don’t want to break. Imagine if you were just standing around one day and the floor stopped exerting its reaction on your feet – you’d fall right through the ground! And it’s important for walking, since you need to push off the ground with every step you take. This works of course for driving too – your tyres roll against the road, pushing against it, and the road pushes back and propels your vehicle.
This means that if your tyres can’t push properly against the road, then the road can’t push back against your tyres, and your vehicle won’t go the way you want it too. This leads to some of the most dangerous situations when driving – bald tyres, icy roads, oil slicks, and other conditions where you don’t have enough traction to drive safely. One good way to avoid these dangerous circumstances is to make sure that your tyres are always properly inflated, so that they push against the road the right amount. And the best way to stay certain of that is with a tyre pressure monitor.
It’s understandable that most of the time we’re too busy to really worry about tyre pressure. But it’s important enough that if we let it slide, our tyres might slide, and then our vehicle might slide into another vehicle – which isn’t any fun for anybody. So if you have tyre sensors keeping track of the pneumatic pressure inside your tyres, you’ll be able to let those thoughts about tyre pressure stay at the back of your mind. The tyre pressure monitoring system will alert you when your tyre pressure needs a boost, and you can get on that right away and stay safe.