There are around 18 million cars registered in Australian and on average Australians drive around 15,500km each year, so it’s important to understand that every time you get behind the wheel, there are risks. Fortunately, many of the major factors that contribute to road accidents can be mitigated by each driver taking a few simple steps to keep themselves and other road users safe. Safe T Tyre is Australia’s favourite supplier of premium tyre pressure monitoring systems and our aim is to help you stay safe by driving on tyres at the right pressure. Investing in a TPMS is one great way to help you reduce your risk while driving, let’s take a look at a few other things you can do to ensure you arrive safely at your destination, every time.
Avoid Distractions
Statistics show that one of the main causes of fatal car accidents in Australia is inattention or distraction while driving. A distraction is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the task of driving such as other passengers inside the vehicle, adjusting a sound system, eating or the use of mobile phones and GPS systems. All distractions have the potential to endanger the driver, passengers, bystanders and other road users. When you get behind the wheel, minimize all other activities at all times to ensure you are focused on operating your car safely. Taking your eyes or attention off the road for even a second could be fatal.
Obey the Speed Limit
Speed limits exist for a reason, and the reason is that speeding is the main cause of fatalities resulting from road crashes. Even in ideal driving conditions, things can happen quickly and it has been proven that speeding increases the risk of a crash because the fast you’re going, the harder the car is to control and the shorter response time the driver has to any unexpected road conditions. It also increases the severity of any collision. Be sure you’re always travelling at or below the assigned speed limit and if there are lots of pedestrians around, or poor visibility or wet weather, go even slower.
Perform Regular Vehicle Maintenance
Most Australians lead very busy lives and sometimes car maintenance and servicing falls down the list of priorities. Regular checks and maintenance of your car is of the utmost importance when it comes to on-road safety and all vehicles should be maintained regularly. Whether you can DIY or you rely on professionals, it’s your responsibility to ensure your vehicle is maintained properly and meets Australian standards. Keep in mind that it’s not just engine servicing that’s important, tyre pressure monitoring should be frequently performed and tread depth needs to be maintained at safe levels. Unsafe tyres are one of the most common causes of road accidents.
Utilise Safety Features
To stay as safe on the road as possible, there are many safety features that come built into most modern cars, including ABS brake systems, traction control, as well as front and side airbags. Additionally, some of the newest models include innovations such as lane assist, automatic emergency breaking, and adaptive cruise control. For older makes and models, there are many high quality safety accessories that are affordable to purchase and easy to install to most vehicles that can dramatically improve the safety of any car. A tyre pressure monitoring system is one such piece of equipment that is readily available, inexpensive and simple to use – installing one will ensure your tyres are always properly inflated, reducing your risk of poor traction control and handling, tyre blowouts and dangerous wear and tear.
Since accurate car record keeping commenced in 1925, Australia has seen over 190,000 fatalities, and while the yearly average of accidents and fatalities is decreasing due to stricter road safety laws and safer vehicle standards, our yearly death toll is still relatively high on the global scale.
One simple way to increase the safety of your vehicle is by installing a premium tyre pressure monitoring system from Safe T Tyre. Offering the best in TPMS technology, we supply an extensive range, including TPMS for cars and trucks, trailers, horse floats, caravans and recreational vehicles. Contact us today on 1800 876 700 or get in touch with us online and let us help you pick the perfect system for your needs.