In any relationship, be it personal or professional, clear and regular communication is an essential part of the dynamic. If there’s a problem, it’s vital that both parties know what it is as soon as it happens, so that they can work together to fix it. Whether it’s at home, in the office, or in the field, communication is the key to working systems, allowing issues to be addressed and remedied without festering. It’s the problems that are left alone when they need attention that end up growing and ruining things, even though a lot of the time this only happens because the message didn’t get all the way through.
This principle extends beyond the personal sphere and into the technological one. We rely on error messages and warning lights in our daily interactions with technology; in fact, the entire discipline of human factors is about how people interface with their environments and a large part of that is ensuring that people have accurate information that allows them to respond to changing conditions. That’s why our vehicles have clear alerts, fuel gauges, and other devices to inform drivers about when they need to take action. An example of such a device is a tyre pressure monitor, and unfortunately, not all vehicles have one.
At Safe-T-Tyre, it’s our mission to provide tyre monitoring systems for every kind of vehicle, from cars and trucks to trailers, motor homes, boats and horse floats. Our tyre sensors measure the pressure levels inside your tyres, and as soon as they go outside the recommended range, a light will go on to let you know what to do. That way, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy relationship with your tyres and keep your vehicle safe.