It’s still winter, and that means that the weather can be downright nasty at times. The other day I found myself driving through a torrential downpour. I barely had time to pull over when it started hailing, and even after the hail stopped, I still had to drive through driving rain down some really dark roads that were slick with water. In these situations, it can be a serious safety risk if your tyres aren’t in the best shape. Improperly inflated tyres have poorer traction and handling, meaning that it’s more likely that you’ll lose control.
Carry Out Routine Tyre Checks
They also have longer stopping distances, which is worsened by wet roads, meaning that if your tyres are in poor condition, then what might have otherwise been a near miss can turn into a bad accident. All these problems happen if your tyres are worn down too, and guess what? Improperly inflated tyres wear out faster than properly inflated ones. Also, worn-down tyres are at greater risk of aquaplaning, which is when the tyres just skid on the surface of the water and don’t cut through it. This means your vehicle will slide uncontrollably on the road and it can cause some truly disastrous accidents.
The best way to mitigate this is to ensure that your tyres are always properly inflated. And the best way to do this is with a tyre pressure monitoring system. While the traditional way to keep your tyres at the right pressure levels involves regularly checking the pressure and reinflating them or letting air out as necessary, there are all sorts of drawbacks to this – for a start, it’s time-consuming and a hassle, especially when you don’t know if your tyres are fine or not. The tyre pressure monitoring systems takes the uncertainty and the bother out of the whole procedure.
Tyre Pressure Sensor Alerts
Automated tyre sensors on your wheels measure the pressure levels inside your tyres. Then, an alarm will go off and alert you when the pressure levels are outside of the recommended range for your vehicle – either too high, or too low. That way, you don’t have to waste time taking care of your tyre pressure when everything’s good, but you can fix things straight away when there actually is a problem. The Safe-T-Tyre system is an excellent, accurate and affordable tyre pressure monitor, and it will work for a wide variety of vehicles.