A couple of years ago I purchased a brand new sleek Mazda SP25.
Each week I would fill up on petrol, clean my car and vacuum the insides. It wasn’t until recently that I realised that at some point I would have to get savvy and pump up my tyres. You may think this is a simple uncomplicated task for a city chick however I had no idea about tyre pressure. My idea of getting my tyres pumped was by hanging out at the local petrol station waiting for some kind gentlemen to see my struggle and offer to help. Certainly no idea about tyre pressure monitors or the like…….
One particular Saturday morning I met Doug, now Douggie appeared to know what he was doing with his tyres so I asked him nicely if he could help me ? Sure love was his reply.
Doug around circa 85 years of age, ran around my car with gusto , told me that my tyres were rather flat and that I should get myself a TPMS. I think the bewildered look on my face gave away the fact that I had no idea what he was talking about…. He begins to inform me that this is a tyre pressure monitor system. “ All you need to do love is get the lads to put the system in , whack the sensors on to ya tyres and Bobs’ your uncle, me and the missus have them on our car and the caravan and they are beaut.….. Er yeah sure thanks Douggie I will look into that.
That afternoon I decided that I should research these ‘tyre pressure sensors’, rather than continue to be this helpless female struggling with a tyre hose rather than search the usual websites designed for us chicks. I googled’ TPMS sensors’ and was pleasantly surprised as to how easy this monitor would make my life. Lo and behold this is what I found…stay tuned for my next blog entry………